Monday, November 6, 2017

Posts November 6, 2017
These are the posts that are accumulated in our weekly newsletter which goes out throughout the school year. The posts are organized by the major units in our Constitutional Law (5th ed.) student textbook.

I. Introduction to Law, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court [See TOPICS 1-10 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

What If a Tyrant Can't Be Booted Out of Office [Bloonberg, 11/3/17]: The Constitution's founders did not fully anticipate the rise of the party system.

II. Defining the Political System: Federalism and Checks and Balances [See TOPICS 11-15 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

III. The Political System: Voting and Campaigns [See TOPICS 16-20 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Virginia Election Seen as Referendum on Trump [CNS, 11/6/17]: Virginia voters will be among the first in the nation to show their support or disdain for President Donald Trump when they head to the ballot box on Tuesday, a year after Trump’s victory stunned the world.

Post-ABC poll: Voters favor Democrats over Republicans in 2018 House midterms by widest margin in years [Wash Post, 11/5/17]: Voters say they prefer Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives over Republicans by the widest margin in over a decade, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll — a fresh sign of trouble for the GOP majority one year before the midterm elections. 

IV. Criminal Law and Procedure (4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments) [See TOPICS 21-28 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit :

V. 1st Amendment (Speech, Religion, Press and Assembly) [See TOPICS 29-33 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

VI. 14th Amendment, Discrimination, Privacy, Working, Citizenship & Immigration [See TOPICS 34-41 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

International Law, Citizenship and Immigration [TOPIC 40-42]

Pentagon's war crimes prosecutor begins a media blackout at Guantanamo [Miami Herald, 11/1/17]:  The Pentagon’s chief war crimes prosecutor, who for six years has been the most public booster of the military commissions, has decided to abandon a years long practice of briefing reporters and holding news conferences.

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