Monday, October 23, 2017

Posts October 23, 2017
These are the posts that are accumulated in our weekly newsletter which goes out throughout the school year. The posts are organized by the major units in our Constitutional Law (5th ed.) student textbook.

I. Introduction to Law, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court [See TOPICS 1-10 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

II. Defining the Political System: Federalism and Checks and Balances [See TOPICS 11-15 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Robert Bork's Second Amendment [Library of Law & Liberty, 10/22\3/17]: Robert H. Bork, whom is described as “the most important legal scholar on the right in the last 50 years.

The American Presidency [TOPIC 15]

McCain hits Trump where it hurts, attacking ‘bone spur’ deferments in Vietnam [Wash Post, 10/22/17]: After a week in which President Trump endured not-so-veiled criticisms from his two predecessors as president and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), McCain delivered another broadside that seems clearly aimed at Trump — in the most personal terms yet. 

III. The Political System: Voting and Campaigns [See TOPICS 16-20 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

IV. Criminal Law and Procedure (4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments) [See TOPICS 21-28 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit

V. 1st Amendment (Speech, Religion, Press and Assembly) [See TOPICS 29-33 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

VI. 14th Amendment, Discrimination, Privacy, Working, Citizenship & Immigration [See TOPICS 34-41 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

The Travel Ban and the Rational Basis Test [“Lawfare” blog, 10/23/17]: “ agree with Benjamin Wittes that President Trump has “articulated little in the way of a coherent theory” to justify the travel ban. But the relevant standard of review does not require “coherence,” let alone “consistency.” A 20-page document based on national security concerns survives any strand of rational-basis review. However, if the goalposts are moved, and a form of strict scrutiny is applied—what Watson employed—the proclamation stands no chance.”

ACLU seeks to intervene in transgender rights lawsuit [Jurist, 10/23/17]: The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland on Friday filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit against the Board of Education of Frederick County over allowing transgender students to use the restroom of their choice.  Anonymous individuals recently filed a lawsuit challenging the school board's new policy, which allows students to use the restroom for the gender with which they identify.

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