Monday, October 2, 2017

Posts October 2, 2017
These are the posts that are accumulated in our weekly newsletter which goes out throughout the school year. The posts are organized by the major units in our Constitutional Law (5th ed.) student textbook.

I. Introduction to Law, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court [See TOPICS 1-10 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Supreme Court Term Previews
Stage Is Set for Some Drama at Supreme Court [Bloomberg, 10/2/17]: A decision on the constitutionality of political gerrymandering could shake Capitol Hill; Here are some other cases to watch.
Aging Justices Deserve Better Than a Death Watch [Bloomberg, 10/2/17]: Term limits or a mandatory retirement age would restore some dignity, but would require a constitutional amendment.
Supreme Court kicks off blockbuster term: Cases to watch [CNN, 10/2/17]:
Supreme Court and Business: 5 Cases to Watch This Term [Fortune, 10/2/17]:

OT2017 #1: 'A Very Nice Office [“First Mondays” blog, 10/2/17]: We'll catch up on SCOTUS news, sift through the grants that came out of the long conference, and preview some of the cases to be argued this coming week.

II. Defining the Political System: Federalism and Checks and Balances [See TOPICS 11-15 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

The American Presidency [TOPIC 15]

Trump Takes On All Comers, Believing Himself the Victor [NY Times, 10/1/17]: President Trump flew by helicopter Sunday afternoon to Jersey City to watch the Presidents Cup golf tournament, where he presented the trophy to the winner. In Mr. Trump’s mind, that is something he knows about: winning. In fact, he would argue, he was winning all weekend. 

'Hamilton' Signature Clouds Trump Emoluments Clause Case [Bloomberg, 9/25/17]:  controversy over whether Alexander Hamilton signed a document indicating that the president is subject to the foreign emoluments clause isn’t over yet.

III. The Political System: Voting and Campaigns [See TOPICS 16-20 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Gerrymandering, a Tradition as Old as the Republic, Faces a Reckoning [WSJ / NPR, 10/1/17]: Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday on whether contorted voting maps drawn by both parties to cement power have finally gone too far.

Legislation and the Legislative Process (TOPIC 20)

Republicans ignore Trump’s bipartisan Dreamers deal [Politico, 10/1/17]: President Donald Trump may want to partner with “Chuck and Nancy” on a solution for Dreamers, but House Republicans say forget it — at least for now.

IV. Criminal Law and Procedure (4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments) [See TOPICS 21-28 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit

V. 1st Amendment (Speech, Religion, Press and Assembly) [See TOPICS 29-33 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Can we talk? Schools try to wrest cell phones from students' hands [EdSource, 10/1/17]:  Three hundred and fifty 8th-graders stood around empty-handed after lunch on the courtyard at Fred Korematsu Middle School last week, forming a throw-back tableau that represented one school’s attempt to revive the art of the face-to-face conversation. 

VI. 14th Amendment, Discrimination, Privacy, Working, Citizenship & Immigration [See TOPICS 34-41 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Kamala Harris' powerful riposte to Trump: 'Racism is real in this country' [The Guardian / AP, 10/2/17]: Kamala Harris, a rising star within the Democratic party who is being closely watched as a possible presidential candidate in 2020, delivered a powerful riposte from the altar to Donald Trump on Sunday, accusing him of waging “an assault on our deepest values” 

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