Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Posts October 18, 2017
These are the posts that are accumulated in our weekly newsletter which goes out throughout the school year. The posts are organized by the major units in our Constitutional Law (5th ed.) student textbook.

I. Introduction to Law, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court [See TOPICS 1-10 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

II. Defining the Political System: Federalism and Checks and Balances [See TOPICS 11-15 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

California gun laws and the Las Vegas shooting[Capitol Weekly, 10/18/17]: With the toughest gun laws in the nation, California has a few regulations on the books that potentially could have lessened the carnage in the Las Vegas shooting if those laws had been enacted in Nevada.

The American Presidency [TOPIC 15]

Family of slain sergeant says Trump showed ‘disrespect’ [AP, 10/18/17]: The mother of an Army sergeant killed in Niger said Wednesday that President Donald Trump, in a call offering condolences, showed “disrespect” to the soldier’s loved ones as they drove to the airport to meet his body. Trump, engulfed in controversy over the appropriate way for presidents to show compassion for slain soldiers, strongly disputed that account.

Don't Put Trump Above Law, Emoluments Challengers Argue [CNS, 10/18/17]: Defending the judicial branch’s authority to probe President Donald Trump for conflicts of interest, an attorney told a federal judge Wednesday that the government’s logic puts the commander in chief above the law.

\III. The Political System: Voting and Campaigns [See TOPICS 16-20 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Legislation and the Legislative Process (TOPIC 20)

Jerry Brown consistently signs more bills than GOP governors [Sac Bee, 10/17/17]:- Late Sunday night, Gov. Jerry Brown put another end-of-session bill signing period in the books, the 15th in his record-setting tenure as California governor. Bottom line: The Democrat axed 12 percent of the bills that made it to his desk this year, slightly less than the 15 percent he vetoed in 2016. 

‘We’re done with this:’ Women in California politics launch anti-sexual harassment campaign [AP, 10/18/17]: A new publicity campaign aims to address sexual harassment in California politics and open up a male-dominated power structure in the Capitol that female leaders say perpetuates “pervasive” abuses. 

IV. Criminal Law and Procedure (4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments) [See TOPICS 21-28 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit

Handcuffing of Elementary Students Violated Fourth Amendment, Judge Rules [School Law Blog, 10/18/17]: A federal district judge has ruled that a school resource officer's handcuffing of two Kentucky elementary school children in separate incidents violated the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable seizure. The judge holds that the school resource officer involved in two incidents is immune from the suit, but the suit may proceed against a sheriff's department.
Read the decision in S.R. v. Kenton County Sheriff’s Office by going to:

VI. 1st Amendment, Immigration [See OPICS 29-33 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

Teacher was removed from class for kneeling during national anthem. She returned Tuesday [Sac Bee, 10/17/17]: Chemistry teacher Windy Pappas returned to Woodland Senior High School on Tuesday, four days after being placed on paid administrative leave for kneeling during the national anthem at a homecoming pep rally.

VI. 14th Amendment, Discrimination, Privacy, Working, Citizenship & Immigration [See TOPICS 34-41 in the 5th edition of Constitutional Law] Here are some recent articles that are relevant to this unit:

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